Flexible by nature,
our gaming events can be:

Independent events or part of a larger event

Run from 2 hours to a weekend

Held indoors or outdoors

Thematic or open-ended

Tournaments or recreational

Our team creates an inviting gaming environment for participants discover new ways to play, challenge and support each other and problem solve.

Our event leads are available to walk participants through the rules and techniques behind each game.

Our association proposes the discovery of games from all around the world, by organizing game activities-animations. Since we began organizing this type of events six years ago, we work in schools, medical and educational institutions, recreation centers, homes for the aged, and many other contexts.

With our games from diverse backgrounds, our team creates a warm atmosphere, which enhances communication and the expression of every individual’s potential. The educational, social and cultural world games allow players to experience positive moments and to travel to five continents.

We have more than sixty games: games of skill, of logic, strategy, big and small games… all kinds of games that we ourselves have constructed using recycled wood.
To organize an animation (event), we propose twenty games and two animators for putting the activity into context, explaining the rules and playing with the audience.
The duration of each animation (event) depends on the public involved, but usually lasts 2 to 3 hours.

E.g. Prices starting from €300 for 2 hours and 20 games

For more information please contact us

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